IEC distributes electric current from its solar power plant.

Kao Sod -Dr. Bhusana Premanode, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of IEC, revealed that, the company had generated and distributed electric current from solar power plant at Mae-ramad district in Tak province to electric system of the Provincial Electricity Authority, on 26 of December 2013.
The solar power plant was established in 2012 by a subsidiary of IEC, Super Dream Power Co., Ltd. The production capacity is 5.25 mw. It was expected to increase more than 95 millions bath of the income.
The Mae-ramad power plant was supported by the government who increased adder and agreed that the earning yield was valuable to invest. This solar power plant was the second renewable energy place after the Lamphun project 1 and 2 of another subsidiary of IEC, Team Solar company, had been operated for commerce in September 2013.
Credit: Kao Sod (P.22) 7 January 2014. Thai-language daily, Pubblished in Thailand