IEC requests MCOT to clarify UHF

Thai post - IEC requested MCOT to clarify the problem of UHF channel 58 while MCOT insisted to broadcast TV program via analog and digital system, starting on 1st April.

Bhusana Premanode, Chairman of the International Engineering Public Company Limited (IEC), revealed NBCT’s broadcasting committee had resolved that a concession contract between MCOT and IEC for use of UHF (ultra-high frequency) Channel 58 for mobile TV service was illegal as it strayed from its original plan, constituting misuse. Thailand's National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) had ordered MCOT to resolve the use of frequencies back to the original plan or else to return the frequencies.

Bhusana said, IEC as a company registered in the Stock Market of Thailand, who had invested in this project more than THB 200 million, was impacted from the resolution. The misuse which IEC did not involve with also impacted about 20,000 IEC shareholders from negatively. Therefore, the company would like the broadcasting committee to reconsider and give justice to IEC. In addition, IEC wanted to know the policies of MCOT about its resolutions of this situation.

Anek Permvongseni, MCOT President, clarified that on 3rd February, the meeting of NBCT approved to use analog broadcasters on the digital platform. During the simulcast period of the Royal Thai Army, the Public Relations Department and Thai Public Broadcasting Service, Modernnine TV of MCOT is able to broadcast until the end of analog system contract (5 years) and Channel 3, until the concession contract come to the end due to the security of law.   

Credit: Thai Post (P.2) 10 Febuary 2014. Thai-language daily, Published in Thailand