Renewable energy project: purchasing electricity from small power suppliers

On July 8, 2558 the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) arranged a seminar that held to receive comments (Focus group) for the purchase of electricity from small power suppliers. Many companies attended the seminar, regarding the renewable energy project to listen and exchange ideas on the (draft) ERC announcement in “Purchasing electricity from small power suppliers” (excluding solar projects) in 2015 and Feed-in Tariff (draft) criteria for the purchase of electricity from renewable energy suppliers by Competitive Bidding. Such postings reported the highest rate of purchase renewable energy Feed in Tariff.              

  Capacity (MW)     FIT F (Baht/unit)   FIT.V 2017 (Baht/unit)   FIT 1 (Baht/unit)   Duration sustenance   FIT Premium  (Baht/unit) Biomass project (First 8 years)     FIT Premium  (Baht/unit) 4 southern border provinces(2) (lifetime rate)
1) Biomass            
  Capacity ≤ 1 MW     3.13   2.21   5.34   20 years   0.5   0.5
  Capacity > 1-3 MW     2.61   2.21   4.82   20 years   0.4   0.5
  Capacity > 3 MW     2.39   1.85   4.24   20 years   0.3   0.5
  2) Biogas (Sewage/Waste)     3.76   -   3.76   20 years   0.5   0.5
  3) Biogas (Energy crops)     2.79     2.55   5.34   20 years   0.5   0.5

  Notes: (1) FiT rate will be used for projects to supply power to the system by the year 2017.  After 2017, the rate FiT V will increase followed the Core Inflation for the categories of biomass fuel and biogas (Energy crops) only.

               (2) Project in Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and four districts in Songkhla, including Chana, Tepa, Saba Yoi and Na Tawee will calculate at rate FiT Premium 0.50 baht / kWh over the lifetime of the project.