IEC reveals investment plan for 2015-2017

          Dr. Bhusana Premanode, President of the international Engineering Public Company Limited (IEC), to reveal the investment plans for 2015-2017

          IEC 5 renewable energy projects that have been operated. These projects are 3 solar power plants, 1 Biomass Power Plant and another Waste Plastic power plant. At the end of 2015, IEC has many projects to announce as followed;

          1. Rayong Waste Plastic Recycle plant has an investment budget of 663 million baht.
          2. Hatyai RDF from the landfill has an investment budget of 60 million baht.
          3. Banbueng from the landfill has an investment budget of 30 million baht.

          The IEC has a total investment budget of 2,200 million baht from the year 2013 – 2015 and a return on the investment project (IRR) average 15% overall of the renewable energy projects.

          From 2015-2017, IEC will plan to invest totally 11 projects, with a sum of investment budget of 4,600 million baht, consisting of eight renewable energy projects, 1 project from waste plastic recycle and 2 projects from RDF landfill with average project investment return (IRR) 15% From these investments, the IEC confident that the company will have revenues increase steadily in the future.

Source: IEC investor relations