IEC shareholders to excessively subscribe for new shares RO

         Dr. Bhusana Premanod, chairman of International Engineering Public Company Limited or IEC, said the company has allocated and offering new shares to the shareholders as Right offering on 1-5 February 2016. A large numbers of shareholders has subscribed RO shares over 990 million baht from total allocation and offering shares as approved from the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders No. 1/2015 amounted 497.18 million baht.

         However, the company is checking the book subscription and allotment of RO remains as some shareholders will not exercise or subscribe their right. Their unexercised shares will be allocated to other shareholders, who subscribe rights beyond their proportion. The amount of subscription rights of the shareholders does not exceed the allotted Company will refund within 14 days (within 19 May 2016), as followed;

         1. The company will transfer the money back into the bank account. If the copy of the bank account is attached.

         2. The company will return the money by check to the address according to the information from the Thailand Securities Depository (TSD). If the copy of the bank account is not attached.

         If the shareholders who book the RO shares and receive them partially, the company will send a written confirmation that the shares have been allocated to you by mail.

         The Company would like to thank the shareholders for the full confidence and support.

Source: IEC investor relations